Thursday, May 1, 2014

Neighborhood Walks with Frankie

Last week was a week full of puppy love! 

We took on the role of "dogsitter" for 10 days to a little beagle named Frankie. One of the best parts about having a dog (in an apartment) is that it makes you get out and go on lots walks. And walk we did. One night I pulled out my camera to capture some German neighborhood beauty.

I just love this pretty neighborhood and all the stunning architecture, it made our walks so enjoyable! Sitting Frankie was great practice for us. We are in the process of deciding whether we want a dog in the next few years or not. We loved our time with this puppy but man it is hard work! So...we are still undecided on the puppy front. I think right now we are at a solid maybe :)

Have a wonderful day friends!


  1. Love all the pics! So beautiful!! And sweet Frankie reminds me so much of our Cali (who has passed away). Makes me miss her so much, and want to love on Frankie :)

  2. Oh my goodness these are like out of magazine! What a cute pup!

  3. Frankie is adorable and those pictures look amazing!

  4. Beautiful photos! The flowers are just blooming gorgeously! Love the puppy selfie. I bet he was a lot of fun!

  5. What an amazing neighborhood!! Frankie is precious :)

  6. Your neighborhood is adorable and what beautiful pictures. And that beagle! sooo cute! I love beagles, such fun dogs. The howling can be out of control, but it's cute ;)

  7. Ahh!! I could just squeeze Frankie!!! Way TOO cute!!

  8. Awww he is the cutest little thing! I love beagles! Also, what kind of camera do you use if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking into purchasing a nice one and always think your pictures turn out so well!

  9. Those buildings are gorgeous!!

  10. Frankie! That's the cutest name for a puppy. Love it!

  11. Wow! I totally agree with you. I'm loving the elegant and classy architecture on that neighborhood, as well as the awesome landscaping and planning. That is the kind of urban setting I'd like to see myself living the good life. Anyway, thank you so much for sharing! :)

    Marjorie McKay @ RE/MAX Real Estate


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