Thursday, May 8, 2014

May Focus

A couple of months ago, I started listing goals to accomplish each month. Just a list of things I hope to accomplish in 30 or so days. And I have really enjoyed it! Here were my goals for the month of April, some we accomplished and some we didn't which is okay, just more to look forward to:) A recap of April...
  • Go on a picnic with Roberto- Check! We went on a wonderful picnic and it worked with our Whole 30 challenge. Check it out here!
  • Read Five Love Languages with Rob- We are almost done! So much wonderful insight in this book, we are really learning lots and enjoying it.
  • No Fried Foods- Almost. Gosh, the night before we started the Whole 30, we enjoyed a order of fries. That was the only time this past month. Once. So close...
  • Read Lonely Planet Italy books- Check! We are all ready for our trip...wahoo!!
  • Go to a Soccer Game- We tried, but ran into a few hiccups. That is okay though, just means we will have to go next year! 
So as you can see I wasn't perfect with the goals I made this month, but still happy with how they helped me! 

For May, I am going to take a different direction. 

May is a month full of lots of changes and lots of fun. Tomorrow, yes tomorrow (ahhhh!) we leave for our two week Italian adventure! Once our trip is over, we come back to Nuremberg for just a few days and then...American here we come!! So goals for this month?? No goals really. This month is all about enjoying precious time with my husband in a new place, enjoying traveling and exploring new places and hugging so many necks when we get home!! No specific goals. Just a month full of  fun and quality time with Roberto and people we have missed so much! Can you tell I am excited?!

What are your plans this month? Any specific May goals? 


  1. I love setting goals for each month! It's so motivating and attainable! And I've been wanting to read the 5 love languages! I would love to see your review!! :) Happy Thursday! :)

  2. Love that y'all are almost done reading the 5 Love Languages! It's been one of my favorite books for the longest time and it speaks so much truth!!! :)

  3. My goal for May is to do something that matter for someone other than myself, I've been too busy and wrapped up in the day to day stuff, I need to focus on other stuff. I need to make a separate list of things I want to do with my hubby, that sounds fun :)

  4. I am going to start doing this! I love setting attainable goals and then checking them off!!!

  5. this is brilliant, i think i need to start doing this. i need to check out Five Love Languages and now i really want some french fries. so jealous of your italy trip!

  6. Have so much fun in Italy!!!!! I'll be thinking (and really jealous!) of y'all!!

  7. Oh that sounds like a perfect "goal" for May! So excited for y'all & all the fun you'll be having this month!! :)


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