Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Life Lately and Updates!

 The past few weeks have been pretty calm here. We have relaxed and enjoyed some beautiful spring days! Sadly, today and yesterday was back in the 40s, which ruined some grand picnic plans we had. But I know or am hoping that sunshine will be back soon! 

Our weeks have been full of basketball, babysitting, dog sitting and enjoying Nuremberg. We will leave here in less than a month and half, to head back to the states. It is crazy that our time here is almost up...so bittersweet. We are so ready to see loved ones, and I mean SO ready. But man we sure will miss this place. We are excited to find out where we will be next, in the next few months! Right now we have no idea, all we know is we are excited to spend some time back home for the summer!

We enjoyed a beautiful night at dinner downtown. We sat on the patio and soaked up the beautiful scenery and some yummy food...

Everything is blooming right now and it is gorgeous. Robert and I were headed to the basketball game here. Tonight they had there last game in this round of playoffs and they WON!!! Next round here we come! So proud of this team!

Here is one of our Whole 30 meals...salmon, asparagus and sweet potatoes. I swear we live off sweet potatoes, they are too good! We are on Day 9 of our Whole 30 program and so far so good! We have had one tiny slip up and I mean TINY, like bite tiny. It was basically out of our control:) But really. I am just proud of us for not letting that one bite make a whole day of that. No, we are not starting our 30 days over, that would be silly. Just a teesny tiny slip up and now we keep trucking forward. I already feel better and am really enjoying all of our meals. We are cooking so much more. Like a ton more, we have cooked every single meal except for 2.  And I love it.  We are forming some great habits which I am thrilled about. I will probably do a half way up date on day 15. Like I said, this program is not the easiest but it is totally do-able and so far, I think completely worth it! I just feel so much better.

 Baby Avie, oh Avie I am SO ready to meet you! This is my cousin's new little beauty and we have facetimed quite a bit:) She is the cutest and I am so ready to give her kisses! She is one of the many reasons I am ready to be home! And then check out these cuties in their awesome 3D glasses at Rio...

The past few days we had a blast. We got to babysit our sweetest friends while there mom and dad enjoyed a little getaway! It was full of movies, nail painting, park playing, basketball watching and  lots of girly things. Roberto embraced it...

 He will be such a good daddy one day.  

And oh little Frankie. We also watched this little guy and will get to for 10 more days starting Thursday! Robert and I are seriously deliberating whether we should get a puppy?? So this will be great practice.

This week will be a good one in life and here on the blog as well! Get ready for some honeymoon recap (the last post of Our Wedding recap) and some tips and tricks for visiting wonderful Prague! 

I hope you all have a wonderful day! I am off to watch a chick flick and wait for Roberto to get home from his away game. Happy Tuesday, friends!


  1. Grilled chicken, roasted sweet potatoes and asparagus has been my go to lately. I love it!

  2. sweet potatoes are REALLY REALLY good you are right about that and thank goodness asparagus is in season this time of year, cant get enough :-)

  3. Great pictures! And your dinner looks delish. We love sweet potatoes around here!

  4. That dinner looks so good! I have been wanting to do a whole 30 for a while now! I'm glad to hear that it's do-able!

  5. Your dinner looks amazing! I could live off of salmon :) And yay for heading home so soon! How fast did the last year go?! I can't wait to hear where you guys are headed next!

  6. So glad you've enjoyed FaceTime with the precious face of your cousin's new baby!! She's sooo cute!! :) ...Looks like you treated your friends' kiddo to such a fun time!! :) Cute snapshot of you + puppy! Hope those 10 days help you decide if a puppy is a necessity in the "Lew household" ;)


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