Monday, August 25, 2014

Poland, Here We Come!

Today, well today is a very bittersweet day. This morning I said a tearful goodbye to Robert as he is off to start our new and exciting adventure. 


Robert left this afternoon for Lublin, Poland...the place we will call home until next May! After lots of prayers and lots of discussion, we found out {about two weeks ago} that Lublin would be our new home and we are thrilled. We are so excited to live in a new place, embrace a new culture and fill our days with lots of basketball and lots of exploring. 

Robert actually played in Poland his first year {the year before we were married} and really loved the country, it's culture and of course, it's food. I have never been but hearing his stories, makes me even more excited to go.

I will be in the states for another two months before I meet him there. I am so happy I get to stay for some really fun and important events here, but I sure will miss that husband of mine more than I can say. When we were engaged we were apart for nine months {besides seeing each other over Christmas}and there are so many people who are apart for way, way longer. Two months will surely seem like nothing and will fly by...but despite that there were still many tears from yours truly this morning. Being apart from your husband is just no fun! BUT it will be okay. AND I can treasure my time here in the states with loved ones, which makes me so, so happy and grateful.

A huge positive? Robert will be able to get everything situated before I get there...apartment, wifi, car, phone, etc. And more importantly, he will be able to focus on work outs and practices 100% without me there which will be really beneficial to him. And thank goodness for facetime...a lifesaver!

I am so proud of him and the work and passion that he puts into his career and our marriage. I am so thankful for you Roberto. 

We are so grateful that he has the opportunity to play another year, to continue doing what he loves and to explore our little hearts out a bit more. 

Poland, here we come!

Have you been to Poland? Lived or visited there? If so, any must see places? We would love to know!


  1. WOW! This is so exciting, I had no idea! What a great adventure!!!

  2. So so exciting!! Can't wait to live vicariously through you on your next adventure!

  3. Poland how exciting! Enjoy these next few months at home!

  4. Thinking of you!! Hopefully these two months will fly by and you'll be in Poland before you know it :) Can't wait to follow along on more adventures!

  5. Poland will be so fun! Can't wait to read about all your adventures! :)

  6. oh that is so exciting! Such a great opportunity! To your adventure (in two months) =)

  7. My sister LOVES Poland and spends extended time there every summer... I'll ask her for recommendations for you!!

  8. Two months apart is tough, but it will fly by!! And so fun that you guys are starting your next adventure - can't wait to follow along!!

  9. POLAND! What an adventure. You will surely love it. It's so amazing that you are able to have all of these awesome adventures together.
    I hope the 2 months will pass quickly for you. I know you're already ready to be together again.

  10. I hope these 2 months fly by girl! That is so exciting, what a fun journey you guys get to continue on :)

  11. How exciting! It looks like you'll be living in a very charming city. Hope that the time passes quickly for you and that you can be reunited soon. By the way, I love that in your list of things to set up that wifi surpassed car and phone... Haha. That darn internet. Can't life with it, can't life without it.. =)

  12. aww how sweet! i can't wait to read all about your adventures over in poland. but yes, the two months will fly by!!

    amanda @ as the wine cork turns

  13. Ah, SO jealous! Poland will be so much fun, can't wait to follow along!! I'm sure the time will pass by before you know it!


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