Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

- Robert and I are hooked on the wheel of fortune game for your phone. It is a little addiciting and pretty darn fun.

- We are also hooked on a new TV show...Fringe. We are about 7 episodes in and really, really like it. It is by the same producer of Lost, one of our all time favorites. It is a very similar feel to Lost, not  light hearted by any means but too good. Have any of you watched Fringe?

- I have had my eye on this jacket for a while but can't quite pull the trigger. I am crossing my fingers it will go on some kind of sale. It is just too cute.

- Speaking of clothes, they can sometimes be hard to find for my 6'10" husband. He really needs talls, for the clothes to fit properly. Have a tall man in your life?? I (think) hit the jackpot! Banana Republic, Gap, Old Navy and J.Crew ALL carry tall sizes. So far it seems like they only carry them online and I am totally fine with that. I got Rob two shirts from these sites for his birthday and they ended up fitting so great! They are a little bit of a slender fit which is perfect for him and it is so easy to order online.
- I have been working on my August goals! One of which was too find five healthier meals to cook. So far, I have made three. One was a flop in my opinion, Mexican Quinoa, and two were wins, Spaghetti Squash with Turkey meat sauce and Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken tacos...both so yummy and easy! I would still love to find a great quinoa recipe, any suggestions??

- Roberto will be leaving to head back overseas soon and man I am not looking forward to it! He will be playing for a team in Poland this year and we are really excited for this opportunity. But not excited to be apart for a bit. I am staying for a friend's wedding at the end of September (which I am so excited for!), so I will not move to Poland until October. I know we will be fine, it just won't be fun. But, I am so excited for him and the opportunity to do what he loves for another year!

{hubby doing his thang, last year in Germany}

- Yesterday was one of those really great days, one I always want to rememember. We got to hangout with my little siblings (10 and 6 yrs.) all day and had such sweet time together. We made breakfasat for lunch together, watched a movie, fed the ducks at the park, went on a walk, sno cones and board games at our sno cone shop and trampoline time in the rain. It was one of those simples days, but one filled with so much smiles and laughter. The best.

{sadly no pictures from yesterday, but this is one of my favorites with these goobs from last summer}

- I finally started recapping our Italy trip that we took in May! So far I have shared our time in Venice and Florence. If you are planning a trip to Italy go check these pages out, at the end I share our suggestions of What to Eat, Where to Stay and Where to Play! Also you can check out my Travels Page for all our travel adventures.

There you have it, a few random thoughts for this Thursday. Thanks for stopping by friends! I hope you all have a fabulous Thursday...the weekend is almost here!!


  1. Those salsa chicken tacos look delectable. MM.

    That jacket!! Love.

    Tall sizes. LOL "What's that???" says the shortie pants.

    I know it's going to be tough to be apart for so long, but think about the amazing reunion y'all will have! Hang in there girl!

  2. Yay for Poland! Bummer you have to be apart for a little while but I'm sure the time will just fly by. And thank goodness for FaceTime :)

  3. We're going to Rome in November. I can't wait to hear about your time there!!

    Jim and I love to play monopoly and ticket to ride against each other on our phones. Wild and crazy nights over here lol.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. MMM, those tacos sound amazing!

    Also, I'm just loving your blog! So glad I found it!

  6. Seriously one of my favorite new blogs that I've discovered! Great post, and I love reading about your travels and marriage advice- I'm a newlywed as well!

  7. Oh I've totally watched Fringe. I loved it, but it got way too intense for me and I had to give it up. You'll have to enjoy the final seasons on my behalf!

  8. John and I will need to check out Fringe... We loved Lost!

  9. OH. My goodness. Thank you so much for the link to the men's big/tall sizes. My husband isn't super tall but he's a ex-football playing, thighs-and-arms-the-size-of-tree-trunks kind of guy and it's so hard to find decent quality size clothes in extended sizes. Bless you, kind lady.. =)

  10. ohhh those tacos look SO good! xo jillian - stop by, im hosting a great giveaway on cornflake dreams


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