Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Happy Birthday and a DIY

We celebrated my sweet sister's birthday yesterday! She turned the big 1-1 and is just the cutest thing there ever was. Seriously, could not ask for a better sister.

 {you improvise when you run out of bday candles}

My mom and I decorated the kitchen a tiny bit the night before with a lot of homemade decorations...nothing perfect but it sure looked fun! 

We celebrated that morning with donut holes, bran muffins ( {this delicious recipe coming soon}, presents and balloons! Which brings me to this awesome, fun and super easy DIY... 

Buy your favorite balloons {I bought a pack of 12}, grab a sewing needle, some scissors and tape and you are ready to start this fun project. Now just blow up your balloons, attatch your thread to your needle and thread through the tied part of the balloon {at the very top}. I did 2 strands of garland with 6 ballons on each. After you thread your balloons on, tape the garland wherever you like! Easy peasy. 
 *side note: the thread can get tangled pretty easily while threading. So it is much easier if you have an extra pair of hands to help hold while you thread. 

This girl sure is the best. She has such a sweet and kind heart. So glad we could celebrate you a little extra Kinley, love you so much!

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