Friday, August 8, 2014

Family Trip: Red River, NM

A couple weekends ago, we went with my family to Red River, NM. It is a place that holds such a special place in my heart. We have been taking family vacations there since I was a baby. And thanks to my Poppy and Gigi's cabin sometimes we would go 2-3 times a year! So many wonderful memories in this beautiful mountain town and lots of special time with family. It had been 2 whole years since I had been up to the cabin and Roberto had only been once...unacceptable! So when my family was planning a trip there in July, we were on board! 

 We arrived a little earlier than my family, so we got to see our friends and ride up the mountain with them for the afternoon. It was the best, we missed these two too much!

 Then, it was lots and lots of family time in the beautiful mountains. I went on a hike with these two one morning. And it was such a sweet time. It is moments like that I will always remember!

  Us big kids enjoyed a hike one day lined with beautiful waterfalls and a lake at the end. We even enjoyed a game of hide and seek on the hike back down...pretty interesting and FUN.

The rest of our days were spent fishing, shopping, playing bingo, hanging out with some extended family, playing cards at the cabin, lots of eating and just soaking in the fresh mountain air. It was wonderful. 

I sure do love this family of mine. We are big and crazy...I wouldn't have it any other way! 

Thanks Mama and Steven for a wonderful trip! I am already ready to go back!


  1. What a great trip! Looks like you've had some really great family time lately! Yay! Family time is the best. :)

  2. So fun! Hope you are enjoying all your family time before your next trip back!

  3. Looks like an amazing family trip! Those memories will last a lifetime! :)

  4. Awh! I love this post and I love seeing people loving New Mexico! :) :):):) Red River is amazing! :)


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