Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August Goals

Back to recording some goals for each month! I have a few things that I have been wanting to accomplish and I have decided this is the month. Goals make me excited! I am weird, I know. So without further adieu...
ONE. Read (or finish) two books. I have a couple I am wanting to read and a couple I need to finish. So my goal is to get two books fully read this month!

TWO. A common one, get back on the healthy track this month. With as much as we have been traveling, not having our own place, ect (excuses, excuses), I have kinda just been eating whatever I want and hardly working out. This month it is back to the routine!

THREE. Along with that. I want to find and cook 5 healthier (and yummy!) meals. Ones that we like and ones that could be added into a weekly menu. I have a couple from our Whole 30 experience, but I definitely need a few more. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them!

FOUR. Go to the Drive-In. Robert will be leaving to head back overseas soon and this is something we both want to do before he leaves. I still have a little more time at home, but it is something I would love to do with him! And it's just so fun. I think it kinda equals the perfect summer night.

FIVE. Make a Photo Book this month. I have a few books (honeymoon, year 2013 and Italy trip) I am needing to put together. This month I want to complete and order one of them!

August, glad you are here! It is going to be a great month. 

What are your goals this month?? (Also, any healthier recipe suggestions?)

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  1. Stopping by from Leslie's linkup! I love the drive in movies! I agree, it's a perfect summer date night! :)

  2. We have wanted to go to a drive in for a while! We should definitely make that a goal, too! I think there's something so fun about it.

  3. I feel like I have several of the same goals, too! Especially reading and getting back on track health-wise... I've been thinking about doing some photo books. Where do you get yours from?

  4. Putting together photos books are on my goal list as well. I am really dragging my feet on starting....

  5. I'm making a photo book for our first anniversary coming up and it is taking me so long! I want to snap my fingers and everything look lovely and in place :)

  6. I just made a photo book for our first anniversary, too and I can't wait to get it! They are a pain to make but totally worth it. Did you find out where you will be headed next?

  7. Fabulous goals!! It is so tough to eat healthy when traveling... I want to eat all of the new food!

  8. Great goals! Mine is definitely a photo book too. Although I'm giving myself a year... so much work! ha Can't wait to follow along on all your upcoming adventures!!!

  9. I love this list! What a great idea too. This is totally inspiring me to do a list as well. Your blog is awesome!! ove the clean simplicity of it!! Thanks for linking up to WYWW!!


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