Monday, September 8, 2014

About Me & Why I Blog

I have seen many bloggers doing this little post...About Me and Why I Blog. I thought, what a great idea! Hopefully this will help new comers and the non-family readers to get to know me a little better. And why exactly I do this thing called Blogging. 

I am Bailley and tomorrow I turn 24! I have called Lubbock, TX home for most of my life until Robert and I married last year! Last year (August-May) we lived in Nuremberg, Germany and then came home (Lubbock) for the summer. I am still here and will be until late October, then I will meet Robert in our new home Lublin, Poland! He moved there at the end of August. You can read more about that here.

{In Germany last December}

I am married to my wonderful man, Robert! On his side is his wonderful mama and daddy and a younger brother (23) and older sister (27). My sweet mama and her husband, 2 younger brothers (20 and 6), little sister (11), then 2younger step sisters and 2 step brothers! Then there is my sweet daddy and his wife and a step brother and sister on that side! Whew, we are a crazy big family! Won't even go into extended family, BUT my cousins are some of my best friends. Family is just the best!

 {the in-loves}

 {my mama's side}

{my daddy's side}

I am currently a stay at home wife. It's a hard life, I know. I graduated in May 2013 with my RN (bachelors in Nursing), and worked that summer at the hospital in Palliative Care until we moved in August. While in Germany I volunteered and worked on my "wife-ing skills". Who knows what will happen when I get to Poland, hopefully there will be some kind of opportunity, probably not for nursing but maybe teaching or something along those lines! I will pick my nursing carear back up when we move back to the states for good. Could be next summer, could be three summers from now...we do not know! Just seeing where God leads us.

 {August of 2011, right when I started Nursing School}

I really enjoying cooking and baking. I am a huge TV buff, probably too much. I love to exercise, as I get older I have really learned to enjoy it. Blogging, it is just so fun to me and perfect to do now while I have the time. And recently, drawing! I am no artist by any means, like at all. But I have had fun trying to copy chalkboard art. I am thinking of trying my hand at watercolors. We shall see!

 {I would love to be able to do something like this, and this lady has some great tips. Maybe with lots of practice?}

Favorite Food
That is easy...Chips and Queso.

Favorite Color
Turquoise {I am especially drawn to jewelry of that color}. I really love all different shades of blue, just beautiful!

Standard Coffee Order
I do not like coffee, never have. Love the smell, just can't get used to the taste. I even worked in a coffee shop in highschool. On my first day they had me make each drink and taste it, so I could better sell the drinks. Talk about stomach ache, I think it scarred me for life. So if I go to a coffee shop? Cold tea or chia tea latte!

Standard Bar Order
Mojito! Or a good glass of wine.

Places I shop
J. Crew, Banana Republic, Gap and Target! Favorites by far.

Bed Time and Wake Up Time
Recently...bed time at midnight and wake up around 8. Love getting a full eight hours. It will be a difficult transition when we have kids one day...

Beauty Products I Can't Live Without
Makeup, more info here! And It's a 10 Miracle Leave in Product, seriously helps with dry hair.

First Blog I Read
How Did I Start Blogging
You can read a little more here. Basically, I started it to keep family and friends updated since we are living overseas. And now it has grown to so much more!

Why I Blog
 I love that it keeps family and friends updated. Even though we are so far away from one another, they can still see glimpses into our every day life. And that makes me so happy. It is also so wonderful to have a place to keep memories, this is like my scrapbook. Just the other day I was looking at some previous posts, and it was so fun to read back and reminisce. Brings me such joy. AND I love all the wonderful people I have "met" through the blogging world, seriously the sweetest community. This is my little place on the web for family, friends, new friends and my little memory. I just love it.

I hope this helped some of you get to know me a little better! I want to thank each of you for reading my little "scrapbook" and making this hobby of mine so fun. I am so grateful. 

Have a wonderful Monday, friends!

Linking up with B Loved Boston.


  1. Love these kind of posts that give you an insight into the person behind the blog! And wow you sure do have a big family, always something fun happening at your house I am sure. Looking forward to following along with your adventures in Poland!

  2. Love this post! First of all, I love your boots in that first picture. Second of all, jealous that you have the opportunity to live overseas!! I hope you're enjoying it and I hope they're nice to you over there! Lastly, chips and queso is the best snack. hands down. ever.

  3. Loved getting to know more about you! :)
    I'm not a huge coffee drinker either - though I love iced coffee... from McDonalds only. weird. I know.

  4. Mmm mojitos! Loved learning more about you and we really do have so much in common! Happy early Birthday :)

  5. I blog for a lot of the same reasons! There have been many I time I've been sucked into reading my own archives reminiscing over some really awesome memories.

    Y'all are such a beautiful couple!

  6. Love love love your about me post. Being a stay at home wife abroad isn't as glamorous as it seems... I know. But the adventure is worth it. Happy birthday tomorrow. You're such a young pup. :) Hope our paths cross for reals one day!!

  7. Love these posts! I like that you included your fav products! I love that conditioner too!

  8. I have always loved the smell of coffee and started drinking it a few years ago in order to stay awake for a training class that lasted a few weeks and then I started drinking it to wake up in the morning. This is a really cool post.

    It is interesting that you are going to Poland. Why are you moving there? And interesting that you lived in Germany. Are you guys a military family?

    Blogging is how my grandma keeps up on my life but it is amazing how many new friends I have met.

  9. What an awesome big family! I love your reason for blogging, it's the same for me! I love journaling and scrapbooking, and blogging is both of those in one! :)

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Technically in CA it's still the 9th :)

    I love this post. It's always fun to get to know other bloggers better. It sounds like you and your husband are living quite the adventure. So exciting!

    Thank you for your sweet comment about my passed pup on my post from Monday. I appreciate it :)


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