Friday, August 29, 2014

My Five Makeup Musts. Part One

I have been trying a few different make up products lately and then I have my go to's that I have used forever. So from the new and old, I have a few that I  would consider "musts" for my {almost} daily makeup routine {because let's be honest makeup doesn't happen every day for this girl}. These five musts are not the only products I use...a part two will be in the near future!

I have three mascaras that I really like and would recommend to anyone. The first is They're real...

I first tried this at the beginning of the year in Germany and it really works great. I have short eyelashes so this and all the others I recommend really help with the lengthening.

The next is bareMinerals Lash Domination...

This one lengthens and adds volume, the best of both worlds!

The last is Loreal Voluminous...

This one is a great price and it lengthens so, so well. Not as great with thickening but it does wonders for the length.

Eye Shadow
I have discovered a new I shadow that I really think is amazing! I have always liked NAKED and still do. But bareMinerals The Top Shelf is awesome. The colors are just beautiful and it lasts!

Eye Shadow Base
Clinique's Lid Smoothie in Bit O' Honey is a long time favorite of mine, for like 5 years! It adds a beautiful shimmer base and makes any eye shadow I use last all day long.

Clinique's Chubby Stick in Pudgy Peony is ah-mazing. I am not a huge lip stick person or a lip gloss person, so when I found this it was love at first site;) It moisturizes and adds just the right amount of color.

I am all about a little bronzer. I have used Physcian's formula forever and I think it works great and is a great price! I have learned a few things since highschool though. I used to cover my face in it, yikes. Since then I have learned a few things, like the key areas to apply this thing we call bronzer...

There ya have it, the first 5 of my makeup musts!

And now...time for the weekend! I am going out of town for my best friend's bachelorette party and could not be more excited. So ready to see these ladies!

Happy weekend, everyone!


  1. I was JUST admiring my co-workers eye shadow and she said it was that Bare Minerals duo in those same colors!

  2. I love, love They're Real! I've tried so many other mascaras, but always end up coming back to that one. Why can't eyelashes just look full and luscious without mascara?! Sigh. Happy Friday!

  3. This post couldn't have come at a better time! I'm out of everything at once it seems and I want to try some new makeup. Definitely trying 'They're real' and that eye shadow! Stopping by from the linkup :)

  4. Of course I love your mascara favorites :) I've been wanting to try the Clinique Chubby sticks and I totally used to put bronzer everywhere, too! Can't wait for part 2!

  5. I seriously cannot leave the house without mascara on I feel completely unkept otherwise!

  6. I need to try that chubby stick - I'm not huge on lipstick, so this sounds great!

  7. They're real is definitely one of my favorite ones!! And I can't live without at least 5 different lip glosses and lipsticks with me at all times lol!

  8. I am going to need to try the Clinique Chubby Stick. I am obsessed with balm stains right now. :)

  9. Great post! I have been searching for a new mascara. Def going to have to check the ones you mentioned out!

  10. THANK you for these tips. I will try one of those mascaras for sure. Love the diagram. I have never bought a highlighter. What is it? I need it to brighten my face and reduce the tired eye look.

  11. Oooh, I wanna try that Clinique chubby stick, I am always on the lookout for better lip options! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I'm a huge fan of Benefit and the chubby sticks- great beauty picks! xo

  13. All brands of chubby sticks are seriously rocking my life, haha! I just love them. Also yes to "they're real!" mascara!!!

  14. I love seeing other people makes up routines, I really need to learn about contouring because when I see it done, I'm always enamored.


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