Friday, August 1, 2014

Helloo, Friday!

This week has been a great one. I have been able to spend lots of time with family and just enjoy being home. I have gotten to play and play with the little siblings and snuggle lots with my baby cousins. It has been wonderful. We have been traveling so much that it seems like we haven't been home all that much. It has been so nice to be here for more than just a few days! 

Linking up with Oh Hey Friday and Friday Favorites today with to bring you a little Friday catch up/fun. 

ONE. We are back on the road again, tomorrow! Not looking forward to the 10 hour drive but we are SO excited to see Roberto's (and my) familia. We took this glorious trip last year as well. Cannot wait to be back. Breckenridge (and cool air) we are coming for ya!

TWO. Did you see my DIY:Etching post?? If not, check it out here! This is such a fun and simple project AND an awesome personalized gift idea!

THREE. I have been working hard on my "Travels" page (link at the top). Go check it out to see our adventures all in one place and let me know what you think!

FOUR. The first part of our Italian Adventure is up!! Our first stop? Romantic and breathtaking Venice.

FIVE. Let's talk summer treats. I am a huge popsicle girl and yes I am aware I'm like a 5 year old. They are just the best and so refreshing in this Texas heat! My favorites and ones that you must try are Bombpops and Dairy Queen Stars...too good. The perfect way to treat yourself during these hot summer days.

Have a great and relaxing weekend, friends! SO glad you stopped by!


  1. Oh man! All of your trips look amazing! I can't wait to hear about Breckenridge!

  2. I will definitely be checking out that travels page! :)

  3. So glad I found you through the link-up! LOVE LOVE LOVE the etching! I'm gonna have to give that a try! Oh...and there's nothing better than a bomb pop!

  4. That picture is so gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  5. Oh, I LOVE Bomb Pops and just about anything served at Dairy Queen! The S'more blizzard is definitely one of my new faves! Have a fantastic weekend!

  6. Colorado in the summer is amazing - have so much fun!!

  7. We have bomb pops in the freezer I had forgotten about so I know what I'm having for dessert tonight :) Happy Friday!

  8. I am in love with Venice... like I'm pretty sure it's my most favorite place that I've ever visited. It's time to go back. :)
    Have a great time in CO. Maybe a good nap will help with the drive... like a five hour long one. Ha. :)
    Thanks for linking up with us today.

  9. Oh I can't wait to dive into your Travel's page! Your trip to Venice looks amazing. And I will definitely be checking out that etching tutorial! I love an easy craft! Enjoy CO!

  10. I'm so jealous of anyone who gets to escape this Texas heat. Have fun on your trip!


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