Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday Fun!

Linking up for some Friday Fun with Oh Hey Friday and Friday Favorites

I have been wanting to make a quinoa dish for a while now. I pinned this recipe on my Pinterest and I think it looks delicious. Maybe a weekend lunch??

Y'all. If you have not seen this video, stop what you are doing and watch it now. It is just too sweet. Of course, I bawled like a baby.

I've decided, it has been long enough. We went on our Italy Trip TWO months ago now and it is time I document it before I forget all the details! It seems like a daunting task because of the amount of pictures, but I want to do it and will be so glad I did. So come back next week (promise) for the beginning recaps of our Italy Vaca 2014! Also some tips of amazing places to eat, must-sees and incredible places to stay.

Need a dessert for this weekend?? A couple weeks ago, I shared this delicious Oreo Layer Dessert from Nap Time Creations. Check it out here! A perfect weekend dessert.

Giveaway time! If you missed it yesterday, no worries...enter today! This is such a fabulous giveaway. A beautiful print and a Target gift card?? It doesn't get much better!

That is it for today! Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!
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  1. That video!!! Oh seriously. How sweet is that?

  2. That recipe is one of my favs!! I make it all the time! Thanks for linking up!

  3. That quinoa dish looks delish!! I have to try it!

  4. I can't get enough quinoa and that looks delicious! We've made a few very similar, my favorite way to eat it! Enjoy :)

  5. Bailley, the Italy pictures look beautiful! I can't wait to see the recap of your trip!

  6. God, I love Italy, I really wish I had gone to Venice, but it'll have to be next time. That recipe and the dessert look amazing!!

  7. Those Italy pictures are fabulous! I already want to go back. That quinoa dish sounds yummy too!


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