Friday, July 11, 2014

Fourth of July and a Mountain Trip!

After Robert and I left Kansas, we headed to my Gigi's house in Panhandle for the fourth! We met up with my family and some cousins and as always, we all had such a great time together! I really don't know if there is anything better than family time. It is just the best! 

Fourth of July morning, we woke up bright and early to go run in the Fun Run! It is in memory of my Uncle David so we all enjoy running in memory of him. Even if I have to stop and walk a few times:) 

After the fun run, we got ready then headed back downtown for the parade and activities. Panhandle is a very small town, but their fourth events are always so much fun. We watched little Paisley compete and win Princess in the "pageant", ate a lot, played on bouncers and watched the boys compete in a free throw contest! It was a morning full of fun and one that definitely required afternoon naps. We ate the classic and so American chili dogs for dinner and shot off fireworks that night! Although we didn't get very far, because of the dang wind. So we have lots to shoot off in the coming weeks. 

(sorry for all the grainy phone pics, the camera stayed in the bag this week!)

The next day, we left with my cousin and her family and headed to see more family in Durango, Colorado! I had never been before and oh my it is beautiful! I love a good mountain town. The next three days we totally just enjoyed each others company. We went on a hike to see a beautiful waterfall, the boys went floating on the freezing river, we took some beautiful walks, went to church where my cousin works and ate, talked and talked some more. It was the perfect few days just getting to catch up and enjoy a beautiful place.

We were so sad to leave Durango, but also so glad to be back home for a bit! Thank you Zack and Kelsey for such a wonderful time!

Linking up with Amanda at Meet at the Barre.


  1. Wow these pictures are amazing that river is beautiful.

  2. Looks like y'all had a wonderful fourth! Those pictures are awesome. I love Texas so much. It's truly amazing how beautiful and how different it is across the state.

  3. aw this looks like so much fun! the waterfall looks amazing.

  4. Looks like you enjoyed a fantastic 4th and an incredible weekend with family!! Yay!! (: Loving all these priceless pics! Have a lovely upcoming weekend! *hugs*

  5. Durango is beautiful! Looks like it was the perfect 4th -- there's no where better to spend it than in a small town! :)


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