Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Kansas Vacation

For the past two and half weeks, we have been visiting family in good ole Kansas! Robert is from there, so we got to see lots and lots of family. And it was the best

We first started off with a quick stop at my grandmas to divide the trip up a bit. We spent some sweet time with my Gigi and of course played in our favorite backyard.

Then it was Kansas, here we come! We arrived and had a week full of fun with Robert's parents and brother. We went to movies, enjoyed some delicious meals, went to a Royals game and went to lots of Jazzercise (which is a blast and a great workout)!

One night we watched home movies down in the basement, which were hilarious and so great. And we had a blast finding fun trinkets and...people.

And look at this cute, chubby baby! I swear Roberto is the cutest.

We then started a little tour...we were off to Nebraska! Robert and I traveled to see his Grandpa Irv first and then traveled a little more to see his Grandma Ellie next. It was so great spending time with each of them for a couple of days and seeing other family that lives close by. Such special time and time that we have truly missed while being in Europe. Sadly, I got zero pictures. Next time!

After time with the grandparents, we headed to Lincoln to meet Roberto's family for something very exciting. But before the exciting part, Robert and I had some time to spare and found ourselves at the neatest spot. Friends and snocones outside on a beautiful day?? YES, please! 

And a quick stop for a picture with this cutie, I mean why not???

 So, now to the important stuff, the super exciting part. We were meeting in Lincoln to see Rob's sister...Sister Peter Marie! AND even better, we were picking her up to come back home with us for a few days! YAY! That meant lots of time together and the whole family under one roof for the first time in forever! But before we headed back to Overland Park (Rob's hometown), we had a super picnic with extended family which was lots of fun  (hoola hoop games were involved and that always proves for a good time). Then it was back to OP for a few more days of fun with the WHOLE family! We looked at old photo albums...

Robert is the big cutie pie, I mean I love it! Just cannot get over it. Look at that smile! I could go on and on but won't for your sake:) We also worked on some fun crafts...

 (tutorial coming soon!)

Family gatherings always include plenty of great meals! Can I get a Wahoo! for shrimp boil?? We then spent a fun day on the lake and took some family pictures one evening. 

Yesterday, after some sad goodbyes, Sister headed back and Robert and I enjoyed a movie and some firefly catching to lift our spirits. This was my first time to catch fireflies and let me tell you, it was the best! A mood lifter for sure. It was such fun and brings out that wonderful kid in you. 

That adorable dog??? That is Charlie. Only the best dog in the world. And he just celebrated his 6th birthday, Happy Birthday Charlie!

And now today, we are headed back to the great state of Texas. And then to much family to see and we are loving it! Thank you Lewandowskis' for such a fabulous time, we are so sad to leave but so glad for such great quality time together. We had the absolute best time with all of you and love you so!

Linking up with...
Thoughts for Thursday
Happy Thursday, everyone. So glad you could stop by and Happy 4th to you all!
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  1. I just found your blog through the Thoughts for Thursday link up. My husband's sister is a Sister as well! It's always a big celebration for everyone when she can come home to visit. Sounds like you are having a fun time visiting family. Hope you have continued safe travels!

  2. 3 things:
    1) your swimsuit!!! soooo precious!!!
    2) glass etching!! I love it!! I made all my Christmas presents with glass etching things 2 years ago, so cheap and personal
    3) cracks me up that west texas folks aren't used to lightning bugs during the summer! I always used to chase them when I was little, but here theres none :(

    now come home!!!

  3. WOW!! What a trip!! So much fun visiting with all the family over the holidays and you guys looked like you made the best of all your time. Happy travels some more and enjoy your 4th of July weekend!! Thanks for linking -up :)

  4. Spending time with family is seriously THE BEST. I have family in Overton Park, too! :)

  5. Love that you guys are getting to catch up with so much family!! Now I want to catch fireflies - not sure if we have any in the city though :) Hope you had a wonderful holiday yesterday!

  6. Sounds like you guys had a blast!! That cardboard cut-out of your hubby is too funny!!


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