Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Picnic: Whole 30 Style

In honor of my last day of the whole 30 (yes last day!!), I thought I would share a picnic Robert and I enjoyed a couple of weeks ago. Full recap of my/our whole 30 journey to come tomorrow!

Part of my April goals was to go on a picnic. Robert and I just love a good picnic. We usually go on one and enjoy sandwiches and such. But since we are on the Whole 30 challenge, we had to get creative and it actually turned out pretty well!

We first feasted on Buffalo Chicken Chopped Salad...

I layered the ingredients (lettuce, cucumbers and carrots) in little jars with the chicken on top (we went without the dressing).  

Up next- Chili Lime Sweet Potato Chips and Fruit Salad.

Our chips turned out a little soggy and I think it was because they were not thin enough. Next time I will try a mandoline to get thinner slices.

Last, I made the Guacamole Chicken Salad that is all over Pinterest. And it was so good! We experiemented and put the salad on a cucumber with a pecan on top. Not too bad. 

We had a wonderful afternoon out in the sun soaking it up and eating. It was a great little day date! 


  1. oh my goodness. i am drooling. everything looks amazing. what a fab idea girly! love it

  2. What a sweet picnic!! So healthy, good for you guys!! Love that you are into picnicking, that looks like the perfect place!

  3. Both of your salads look so tasty!

  4. Everything looks sooo good! I'm now craving fruit salad :)

  5. Everything looks amazing and delicious, I want to recreate this picnic :)

  6. It all looks so amazing! I would love to read a post about your entire whole 30 experience. :)

  7. Your picnic looks perfect! and that buffalo chicken salad...mmmm yum. BTW what photo editing software do you use, I love the way you did that first photo.

  8. That picnic looks so yummy!! Congrats to you on sticking with the 30 day plan!!

  9. Looks delicious and so fresh!!! :) Im totally intrigued, cant wait for your recap :)

  10. The food looks amazing!! I might be looking into this whole 30 thing!! :)

  11. Loving all these healthy picnic goodies!


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