Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, self tanner disaster and a neckalce

Hello, Friday! I for one, am so glad the weekend is finally here. It means we are one step closer to our trip and then one step closer to HOME! This week, Robert and I have been pretty restless. The season is over and we are in a bit of limbo- we are just ready to be on the move! I know this summer back home will be busy (but so fun) so I am trying to soak up this down time I have with my sweet husband. We have about a week until we leave for Italy and until then we plan to enjoy our first soccer game and take a little day trip to a cute town! So it will be a fun weekend! Now let's get to my Five on this Friday...

{ONE}This picture was taken before Robert's last basketball game of the season this past Sunday. They finished strong in the semi finals. I am so proud of him for his positive attitude, dedication and hard work. It was an interesting and fun season and we are excited to find out where we will be headed next year. Nuremberg we will miss you!

{TWO}This week I put together a few of my travel fashion "essentials". Basically, my go to items for our upcoming trip and this summer. Check it out here!

{THREE} So I tried my first self tanner. The result? I looked like I had rolled around in the dirt. I tried to get a picture but just couldn't capture the true mess that it was. I read a great review on Tan Wise and so it was the one I ended up trying. I exfoliated before hand, put lotions on knees and elbows, applied it in small circular motions, but it still turned out pretty awful! I am sure it is a great product (and it is very affordable) but for my skin and my self tanner applying skills, it did not work. I think next I will try either Banana Boat, St.Tropez or tan towels that have been recommended. I will keep you updated.

{FOUR}Whole 30 is still going strong! 30 days will be up on Wednesday and I am pretty ready. But really am so thankful for some great habits we have formed!  I shared one of our favorite meals this week...Burger Bowls! Easy recipe here!

{FIVE} Robert bought me this Kendra Scott necklace and I absolutley love it! I am all about simplicity and a piece that will go with anything- and this is it! I just think it is beautiful and have already worn it a ton. When you join their mailing list you get 15% off and they are offering free shipping right now until Mother's Day! A Perfect treat for yourself or for your mama!

And that is it for this Friday! I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! 

Linking up with the wonderful Five on Friday ladies, Jennie at The Diary of a Real Housewife and Lauren Elizabeth.   

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  1. Oh love that necklace!! You guys look so cute in that photo! I'm not help with the self tanner, but you're the second person I've seen who didn't have luck with Tan Wise so thanks for the heads up!! Have a great weekend!

  2. I'm so afraid of that happening if I try a self tanner lotion! I've used L'oreal wipes and gotten pretty good results. That necklace is so perfect!

  3. that first pic is too cute. i love that necklace as well - and ugh, self tanner. i went and got a spray tan and it somehow looked like a mess as well. i exfoliated till i didnt have any skin left, lol. have a great weekend lovely! Kristen @

  4. Love the necklace!! I keep forgetting y'all will be in Italy soon! Ahh y'all will love it! :)

  5. Your travel essential outfit is so cute! Self tanning disasters are never fun, I've definitely had my fair share of streaks! That necklace is so sweet and perfect! Have a great weekend, girlfriend!

  6. Love that necklace, so pretty. I have yet to have any self tanner luck, I keep trying though haha.

  7. I just started self tanning too and the one I have had the most luck with is loreal sublime mousse. It dries fast and didn't leave me streaky!

  8. We're debating a Whole 30...we tried about a year ago and failed miserably by day 10! I need to get better about planning!

  9. so impressed that you did the whole30! I almost did it once, but chickened out at the last minute! I like food too much. ha! and the self tanner--I've definitely had that problem a time or two! so funny!

  10. Ive heard so much about Whole30, seriously considering it. Is it difficult??? and by that I mean, figuring out recipes?

  11. Hey Sweet Girl! I am just checking in from Five on Friday! So glad I came across your blog :) Happy Weekend!

  12. Oh no! Self tanning disasters are the worst.. I've had my fair share of them! I swear by the Tan Towels and St. Tropez though so hopefully those work out better for you :) Have a great weekend!

  13. Okay so I have seen so many people doing a whole 30 challenge- I need to jump on that bandwagon! Everyone that I know of who has done it has LOVED it!

    I found you through the link up! I hope you have a great weekend!

  14. Second post I've seen today with Kendra Scott jewelry- so pretty :) I've never had good luck with self tanners either, though I hear the tan towels work well!

  15. Love the KS necklace.. I have been eyeing some of the earrings & hopefully can add them to my collection soon. Have a great Friday :)


  16. LOVE the necklace!!! I will def. be signing up for those emails :) :) Do you guys know where you will be heading next?!

  17. The necklace is so pretty! It is perfect for Summer!

  18. Beautiful necklace!!! I just love the color! :)

  19. You two are so cute!! It'll be fun to find out where you go next season! Love, love that necklace!

  20. Try the St Tropez Gradual Tan! Love it! :)

  21. All things Kendra Scott makes me happy. I am completely addicted haha

  22. those burger bowls sound SO yummy. Making them for dinner tonight!!!


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