Friday, May 23, 2014

A Goodbye (& why you should visit Nuremberg!)

I cannot believe our time in Nuremberg has come to an end. This city will always hold such a special place in our hearts. This was the first big adventure of our marriage. We made a big move together, away from all family, friends and took a leap. A leap into a new country, a new culture and away from our "norm". And it was wonderful, Robert and I know this was the place God called us to be for these nine months. It is nine months we are so grateful for. Rob and I were talking the other day about how we will never forget our time here- it was our home for most of our first year of marriage. This is the place where we learned a lot, fought a lot, laughed a whole lot and fell more in love. A time of growing and a time that will forever be in our hearts.

We were shown so much love by many wonderful people here. We are so grateful to God for placing special people in our lives in this place, sweet friendships that will last a lifetime. Nuremberg, we sure will miss you.

I really think Nuremberg is such a special place (obviously) and I think it is a must visit on an European adventure! There is so much history, beauty and fun here in this charming city. Thinking of coming to Europe? Here are 5 reasons why I think Nuremberg should be added to your list.

1. Christmas Market
Nuremberg, in my opinion, has the absolute best Christmas Market. The Market takes place in December in downtown Nuremberg. You can walk through rows and rows of stalls filled with beautiful items, amazing souvenirs and delicious food. As you walk with your hot cup of Gluwein (hot wine) in hand, you will be surrounded by the sound of carolers and surrounded by the sweet smell of gingerbread, crepes and waffles. It is an experience not to be missed. You will leave with the perfect German souvenirs, full bellies and a happy, happy heart.

2. Rally Grounds
Let's talk about history. During Hitler's time of power, Nuremberg was a frequent visit for him. This is the place were he set up his rally grounds. And by set up, I mean he had architects spend years building structure after structure for him to gather with his supporters. It is very chilling and very informative to walk where he walked and learn about his time in power. It really is unbelievable. There are multiple stops to see. Start at the Documentation Center and they will help you map out your route. You can either walk the path or rent bikes and bike to each place. Just plan on a full afternoon or morning. The rally grounds are a must see and an experience you will never forget.

3. Downtown (Altstadt)
Lots of European cities have a downtown area. This is the area where lots of restaurants, shopping and history is situated. Nuremberg is no exception. Go downtown and be ready to be blown away with the beauty and to have a super fun day. During Christmas, this is where the Christmas Markets take place and even when it is not Christmas, there are frequently markets going on and almost daily there are stands set up with German specialty foods, fresh fruits and handmade items. Every season of the year, there are multiple churches you can step inside and stand in awe of their beauty. Keep walking and you will run into the castle at the top of the hill. Walk some more and you will run into tons of great shopping, cute local stores as well as big department stores. There are restaurants all over downtown, gelato stands at almost every corner as well as plenty of bakeries. Hungry yet? Don't miss traditional German cuisine at Goldenes Posthorn, yummy sandwiches (especially the salami sandwich) and pastries at Der Beck and delicious gelato at La Gelateria 4D.  Downtown is where you will spend most of your time in Nuremberg and it is perfection in my opinion. Tons of beauty, plenty of delicious food and lots of fun. Just remember if you go on a Sunday, it will be pretty quiet and all shops will be closed.

4. Nurembergers
That is right Nurembergers- the Nuremberg burger. They sell these babies in stands all over downtown and man I am in love. It is 3 little sausages placed on fresh bread and (my preference) topped with mustard. Famous in Nuremberg and something that needs to be in your belly. And I can't talk about food without mentioning their ahhh-mazing pretzels.You can order them at almost any restaurant, but my favorite way to enjoy a pretzel? Treat yourself to an afternoon snack from a stand downtown. And no, no not just a normal pretzel but a pretzel sliced in half with butter in the middle-yes butter.

5. Surrounding Towns
One of the huge perks of Nuremberg is that it is close to so many cute German towns. So! Enjoy a couple of nights in wonderful Nuremberg and then stop into some very charming Bavarian towns for a few hours. You will be blown away with charm. Our favorites? Bamberg and Rothenburg. Bonus! Not only is it close to charming small towns but it is also close to Munich which is a beautiful city and then right outside of Munich there is Dachau Concentration Camp. Another very chilling and eye-opening experience, a visit that will change your life. Basically, Nuremberg is in an outstanding location. So many places around this area to see.

 And there ya have it! I hope I convinced you. Visit Nuremberg and you are sure to have a great time.

Goodbye, Nuremberg. Thanks for lots of great memories!

(Now I must go hug lots of necks...ahhhh!!)

 Linking up with the wonderful Five on Friday ladies.

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  1. These pictures are amazing! It definitely looks like a gorgeous place! And the Nuremberger and those pretzels look so yummy! Happy Friday!

    <3, Pamela

  2. Wow, how fast did those 9 months go by?! So crazy you guys are already heading home! If I make it to Europe, I'll stop in Nuremberg JUST for those giant pretzels - yum!! Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  3. you are so cute. Nurembergers? sign me up! this looks like such an amazing place, my list of places is so long, i hope one day i get to go everywhere!

  4. Can I please have that Nuremberger? What a fun place and I cannot believe you are headed back!

  5. Such beautiful pictures! So glad you enjoyed your time there! What a special adventure for your first year of marriage! Happy Weekend! xo

  6. Oh my gosh, that Nuremberger looks amazing. Love the pic of you standing in the street.

  7. Wow! LOVE these photos!! It's my dream to bring Josh to Europe and relive that adventure together! It's been so long since I've visited!

  8. It seems that you had so much fun. Thanks for sharing your beautiful moments here. I am also planning a party and my friend recommended me best sports bar nyc. Should I go for it. Please help me.

  9. Oh, those pretzels look heavenly!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Nurembergers hahah love it! Sounds amazing....I want to recreate my own now. yum.

    I love the Christmas markets, in theory. Never been but I just love the idea and the pictures I've seen!

  11. What a great recap! Can't wait to see where you're off to next!


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