Friday, April 11, 2014

Five on Friday...Whole 30

Hello Friday and Hello Friends!

 Not a lot of activity over on the blog this week, just haven't really felt like it. So this week break was much needed! Now I am feeling refreshed and I'll be back next week with lots of fun, so stay tuned!

This week had been a good one. The team is in the playoffs and has another game tonight! This is the first round of playoffs and they play the same team- the best out of 5. So far it is 1-1. The game is away tonight but I'll be cheering extra loud from my comfy couch:) 

In not so big news, Robert and I started the Whole 30 program on Monday. Before I say anything else I want to say- it has been so great! Next week I am sure I'll be singing a different tune but as of now it is the best decision we have made in a while. Our motivation to do this is of course summer, aka short/swimsuit season, is right around the corner but also, the main reason is for us to learn some self-discipline. This past year we have eaten "okay", some days are great and some are "let's just stuff our faces":) So for us, the Whole 30 is a great way to start. It is not easy- I sure miss my desserts. But it is SO do-able. We are hoping in these 30 days to form habits to carry throughout this summer and life. We are on our way to a healthier version of us and that's always a good thing. So for my Five on Friday this week, I am going to share some "clean" recipes that I am panning to try in the coming weeks.

{ONE} Chili.

{TWO} Ginger Lime Grilled Shrimp.

{THREE} Balsamic Glazed Pork Tenderloin.

{FOUR}Chunky Chicken and Vegetable Soup.

{FIVE} Baked Chili Lime Sweet Potato Chips. 

So many great options! I will keep you updated on our journey for sure. But for now...

Do you have any great "clean" recipes? Have you done Whole 30 before? 

I would love any and all advice!

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  1. Confession: I've been stalking your blog (in a completely non-creepy way!) this week looking forward to catching up with y'all. Glad you're back! I can't wait to hear more about the Whole 30. The recipes look delish, I might have to give this a try! Happy weekend!!

  2. That grilled shrimp looks amazinggg!!

    Happy Friday, girlfriend!! :) :)

  3. I'm so excited to follow along with your Whole 30 month - my husband and I are planning to do Whole 30 in May once his busy season at work is over, and I'm nervous and excited. Those recipes all look delish!

  4. Looking forward to reading about your journey... those sweet potato chips look divine!

  5. Can't wait for updates on your Whole 30. If you're eating this gorgeous food, it should be easy! Except if you have a sweet tooth like me! :)

  6. Congrats on the whole 30. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  7. I can't wait to read your updates on the Whole 30!

  8. I'm definitely toying with the idea of whole30. I'm certainly taking baby steps toward even more clean eating, but I'm wondering if cold turkey might be a better way to go for me.

    I should probably talk my hubby into doing it with me ;)

    Happy Friday, Bailley! {also, auto correct respells your name every time I type it! Arg!}

  9. All of these recipes look so good!

  10. Yummy recipes...can't wait to hear about the whole30!

  11. Those sound tasty! I've never done Whole 30 before--but I am a big fan of veggies, so at least that's a headstart! :)

  12. I did my first Whole 30 in January and thought it was great! I eat a modified (ie, the best I can) Paleo diet which isn't terribly different than Whole 30. The biggest difference I noticed between the two is no honey, maple syrup, etc as sweeteners. Oh, be sure to make sure your milk doesn't have cane syrup in it! My first container of almond milk had it and that's a no-no because it's still a sugar. Sweet potatoes will become your best friend! If you need suggestions for food, let me know! It actually is quite fun, in a really weird torturous way! Good luck, stay strong!

  13. That's awesome you're doing the whole 30! My sister-in law Emily just finished it and she posted all her meals on her blog you should definitely check it out! Good luck!!

  14. Yummm the ginger lime shrimp look delicious! I'm so happy grilling season is back! I haven't heard much about Whole 30 so can't wait to hear how it goes for you guys! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend :)

  15. Looking forward to following your Whole30 journey...with these yummy recipes, it looks like you're off to a great start!

  16. All of those recipes look delicious!! YUM!


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