Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Wondering : about doing a 30 before 30 list. I think it is such a great idea to have some short term goals, thirty things I want to accomplish before I am thirty. So I am wondering and thinking about what those 30 goals/tasks are! So far...weekend cooking school or class and a color run.

Enjoying : the weather! It has been in the high 40s pretty regularly here and I am totally enjoying it! I am so ready for the warmer weather...sunglasses, maxi dresses and sunshine?? Yes, please! A look at a beautiful, sunny day last week...

Watching : Robert and I just caught up with the Good Wife, yes Robert watched it too! It is a good show and very witty. Robert just recently started watching it with me and I think he is hooked :)

Liking : Dove Dry Shampoo. Y'all this stuff is the I used to be the one to wash my hair every. single. day. Because my hair would just be nasty if I didn't. But that is so time consuming and not great for your hair. Then came along this beauty....
I tried others and none of them measured up to Dove. This can is around $5 and I usually get it at Target. I like it so much I brought a good supply with me to Germany! So say I wash my hair Monday, use dry shampoo Tuesday (can still wear my hair down), dry shampoo Wednesday (usually up in a bun or pony) and then wash again Thursday. If you promise not to get totally grossed out there are tons some times I go even longer before I wash, cue gasps. It is amazing what a high bun and dry shampoo can do. But do not worry! I DO take a shower daily, I just leave the hair part out!

Cooking : This week we have stuck to some simple, healthy meals. At the beginning of the week I made big a salad and divided it into containers for lunch this week! Fresh greens, kidney beans, a little bit of cheese, grilled chicken and a little bit of dressing. Very simple and yummy! It has been good to have a pre-made lunch and makes for a healthier meal than what I might normally eat! Working on those goals!

Looking Forward to : Family! Some of Rob's aunts and uncles and his grandma are coming for a couple days on Friday! They are making their way through Germany to visit some other family as well! And then my mama is coming next Friday!! SO much to look forward to!! I can't wait.

Thanks to Katie at Keep Calm and Carry On  for this idea! 

I hope you all are having a fabulous Wednesday!


  1. So, 7 weeks from this Saturday I'm running in my first Color Run. Actually, my first run EVER! A few weeks ago I started watching The Good Wife!! (This is getting humorous how much we have in common). I'm only a few episodes in to season 1, but it's a fun one to watch when I have some down time. Dry Shampoo!! I'm determined to find a way to NOT wash my hair everyday. And, like you, I need it. I have a dry shampoo that I'm just not loving right now, so I'll have to give the Dove a try.

  2. i vote yes for 30 before 30...I was thinking of doing one as well since I have a birthday coming up and will only have 3 years to accomplish these things!! :) How great that you're going to have family visiting!! That's the best!

  3. I really like the idea of dry shampoo, so I got some Tresemme, and it wasn't that awesome. My hair still looked greasy. I'll try the dove!

    Happy to be a new follower! Tattered to Taylored

  4. I'll have to look for the Dove dry shampoo. I just got Batiste dry shampoo and it works ok. I just used it once.


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